· The Negro Motorist Green Book pdf. English: The Green Book was a travel guide published between 19that listed hotels, restaurants, bars, gas stations, etc. where Black travelers would be welcome. 21 volumes, - Download The Negro Motorist Green Book PDF/ePub or read online books in Mobi eBooks. Click Download or Read Online button to get The Negro Motorist Green Book book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. If the content The Negro Motorist Green Book not Found or Blank, you must refresh this page manually. The Negro Motorist Green . An annual guidebook for African-American roadtrippers founded and published by New York City mailman Victor Hugo Green from to From a New York-focused first edition published in , Green expanded the work to cover much of North America. The Green Book became "the bible of black travel" during the era of Jim Crow laws, when open and often legally prescribed discrimination against.
Travelers' Green Book: International Edition: For Vacation Without Aggravation. Collection. The Green Book. Dates / Origin. Date Issued: Publisher: Victor H. Green Co. Library locations. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division. Shelf locator: Sc Rare Per-T (Travelers. Negro Motorist Green Book (serial) and Kentucky. The Negro Motorist Green Book provided African American travelers with the names and locations of businesses that welcomed their patronage. The book was published by Victor H. Green, a postal worker in New York. The first edition, in , covered metropolitan New York only. The Post-Racial Negro Green Book is a state-by-state compilation of occurrences, information, and data that document a pattern of 21st century racial bias against Black people in the United States. It is an archive intended to preserve the voluminous amount of contemporary history on the topic in a permanent medium for the sake of review.
The Negro Motorist Green Book. Download or Read online The Negro Motorist Green Book full in PDF, ePub and kindle. This book written by Victor H. Green and published by Colchis Books which was released on 15 November with total pages null. The Negro Motorist Green Book pdf. English: The Green Book was a travel guide published between 19that listed hotels, restaurants, bars, gas stations, etc. where Black travelers would be welcome. 21 volumes, - The Negro Motorist Green Book was a guidebook for African American travelers that provided a list of hotels, boarding houses, taverns, restaurants, service stations and other establishments throughout the country that served African Americans patrons.